Less than 3 Hours untill Lift-Off! ⏰
The boy sat in the driver's seat of his Pop's tractor, captivated as the old man showed him the controls and told him what they did.
The smile on the boy's face was so heart warming it took me a fair amount of effort to avoid choking up as I watched on.
You see, my son hasn't had the chance to spend much one-on-one time with my dad so when I saw them there together, genuinely enjoying each other's company, I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, the tear that filled my eye, or the feeling of love which I felt for both of them.
The relationships our kids have with our parents are unique.
The kind of love they show to our kids is like no-one else.
The level of attention and care they give is often unparalleled.
And there is often so much wisdom in the older generation that is yet to be passed on.
Grandparents often have the love and the time to give but are sometimes unsure on how to spend that time with their grandkids.
That's why we created the Grand Adventures Diary.
It's a gift that keeps on giving.
It brings grandparents and grandkids together, encourages connection through fun activities at home and out and about, and helps them both to learn more about each other through simple questions answered each week.
Not sure what to get your parents or in-laws for Christmas?
Give them the gift that keeps on giving...
But unfortunately, just like the Date Night Diary, there's only 160 guaranteed for pre-Christmas delivery.
So keep an eye out for the launch email at 7:30pm AEDT tonight.
My 2-year-old son, after listening to my dad explain the controls to him, leant forward, grabbed the steering wheel and announced:
"2! 3! 1! Here we go!"
Haha, indeed, here we go! We're launching the Grand Adventures Diary TONIGHT!
Please don't miss out!
Dad Jokes of the Week
You'd think a snail would be faster without its shell, but it's actually more sluggish.
Dad: Have you heard about the new movie Constipation?
Kid: No?
Dad: That's because it hasn't come out yet.
What do you call a line of rabbits moving backwards?
A receding hare line.
Dadventure Ideas for this Week
Here’s are a couple ideas to inspire your Dadventure with your kids this week:
- Concert or Play 🎭 (Or a musical!)
Skate Park 🛹 (Or set up a scooter circuit at home.)
Here's a Staying In Date Night Idea for you:
- Bonfire 🔥 (Light the fire pit and make jaffles, toasted marshmallows and s'mores. Or if you don't have an outdoor fire pit, an indoor fire place or a video of a bonfire on loop will do nicely.) Remember to switch off your phones... disconnect to reconnect.
See you for the Pre-Order Launch Soon!

Jeremy Jones
Dad Certified
Pre-Orders open for the Date Night Diary and Grand Adventure Diary - Box Sets - Friday, 11/11/22 7:30pm AEDT.