Start planning for Valentine's day now! Here's how to make it perfect... 😍

I have a confession. 🙋♂️
I've never been big into Valentine's day. 😲
Yeah, I usually do something small for my wife to celebrate the occasion, and sometimes we'd go out for dinner either the day before or the day after.
(But never the day of! 🙄)
After all, every restaurant is usually booked out well in advance and prices for everything, whether it's flowers, chocolates or restaurant surcharges tend to go up a bit for some reason. 🤔👉🤑
And in particular, since having kids, organising a babysitter for the night is not exactly easy.
BUT. This year is different.
A few emails back I told you that this year I've been working hard on being intentional about planning date nights with my wife. 💪
And like many of you, I've been using my Date Night Diary (and decks of idea cards) to come up with ideas and intentionally plan regular date nights - even when we can't get a babysitter!
So, if you're thinking of doing something for Valentine's Day, but haven't started planning yet, this is your HINT to get planning! 😉
My recommendation is you try and lock in a babysitter TODAY before booking anything.
And, if you've exhausted your babysitters recently ( like us 🙋♂️), or don't have any babysitter to call on at all, then you can join me in planning a "Staying In" Valentine's Day Date Night.
Either way, this email is your sign to start planning something TODAY. 🛑
And if you're a mum and you want your hubby to start planning something, feel free to forward them this email...
And if you've been forwarded this email, well, no pressure but expectations have been laid down! 😉
Now, onto the planning!
If you put as much effort into planning this date night as you put into your day job, chances are this will be easy:
Here's our planning checklist from our Date Night Diary for if you're "Going Out":
(Especially useful for those who are giving one as a Valentine's Day gift and haven't opened it yet!)
And for those "Staying In", it's even easier (but no less fun):
1. Start by drawing a "Staying In" card or sort through them until you find an idea you think will work best. (Or feel free to steal the idea at the bottom of this email).
2. Organise your supplies for your Date Night In - and remember it's Valentine's Day - this is the time to be EXTRA romantic... (candles, flowers/petals, low lighting, calming music, etc.).
3. Organise a meal, whether it's something delivered or homemade, and ensure you allow extra time and organise some backup snacks (being hangry kills the mood quick!)
4. If your kids are young, try and get them to bed early, or if they're a bit older, ask them to help and get them involved! (They could dress up as waiters/waitresses or they could help decorate a space. If you've seen the Bluey episode "Fancy Restaurant" (Season 2) then you know not to ask them to make you dinner. 😅)
5. Snap some photos and then **turn your phones off**. If you don't know how to do this, google it. BUT DO IT! (Also, try not to use any other devices/screens - giving undivided attention is better than any diamond you can't afford.)
6. Flick open to a conversation starter in the diary to ensure you don't just end up talking about work or the kids. (This is a great night for one of the pop quizzes!)
7. Relax and enjoy each other's company. 🤗
It's that simple.
Unless the kids don't go to sleep or the delivery man get lost and you don't get your food (don't ask), you're sorted.
And if those things do happen, you can always try the next day right?
Parenting can be hard, and that's why Dad Certified exists.
To make things that little bit easier for you.
We hope you have a really great Valentine's Day (in a week and a half), and if you're gifting the Date Night Diary (thanks for your order!), we hope you have the best year of date nights yet!
Cheering you on!
Jeremy Jones
Date Night Idea for this Week (or Valentine's Day)
Staying In Date Night Idea:
- Sip and Paint 🎨 (Pour a glass of your favourite drink, set up a stationary object (a fruit bowl, a vase of flowers...) and some easels, and paint! Or if you're brave, paint each other's portraits.
- Dans Le Noir 🦯 (Find a local "Dinner In The Dark" restaurant for an out-there dinner date! No doubt you'll be talking about this one for years!) [Or set one up at home!]
Dadventure Ideas for this Week
Museum 🏛 (Whether it's ancient, modern or an exhibit featuring one of your interests, stop looking at these amazing things through your screens and experience it first hand with your kids - they'll love it!)
- Water Skiing/Wake Boarding/Tubing 🌊 (For kids 6+, a great way to experience the water in a new way. Even better if you know someone with all the gear willing to take you out!)
Dad Jokes of the Week
When we make pizza at home it's my wife's job to shred the cheese.
She's the gratist!
What did Jay-Z call his wife before they got married?
My wife was angry with me for kicking dropped ice cubes under the refrigerator. But now it's just water under the fridge.

Cheering you on!
Jeremy Jones
Dad Certified
Thanks to everyone who has recently ordered a Date Night Diary for Valentine's Day!
We so appreciate your orders! 👏
We're actually in danger of running out of stock! 😬
If you're looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gift - this is it.
Don't let the romance die after Valentine's Day...
And don't wait to order, we might actually sell out!