Stock's on the way... Date Night and Dadventure Ideas for you... 🔥 🐪 🌲 🎨
Wow, what a week!
We arrived home from holidays last Thursday, launched our TWO new products on Friday, and had over $4,000 in sales within 24 hours! So firstly, I just want to say THANK YOU!
Sometimes it still feels very surreal that this business is actually up and running.
I worked behind the scenes for 6 months before launching the Dadventure Diary.
It was a daunting experience to launch a brand new product that no one had ever heard of before, to a few hundred followers on social media… it could have been a major flop!
But do you know what happened!?
We sold out in just 3 weeks! WOW! If that isn’t a confidence boost then I don’t know what is.
It was an incredible feeling to have people line up for the Dadventure Diary, and gave me so much confidence and motivation to create the Date Night Diary and Grand Adventures Diary. And obviously they’ve been a hit with you guys already!
(If you haven’t seen them yet, you can find them here:
So, thank you! Thanks for following along my startup journey, thanks for your orders and thanks for reading my emails!
You make the entrepreneur’s path a whole lot more enjoyable. 😊
Stock Update:
As you know, I ordered a portion of the Date Night Diaries and Grand Adventures Diaries EXPRESS so they would be made and arrive in time for Christmas.
There was no guarantee that the rest, the bulk of the order, would arrive in time but I HAD to make sure I had some here for you guys, my most loyal customers!
So, I paid and absorbed the additional fee to get that portion here in time, and given the response we had to the Pre-Order launch last week, I know this was the right move.
So, if you’ve Pre-Ordered a Date Night Diary or Grand Adventures Diary, you’re one of the lucky ones!
While we still have some available for guaranteed pre-Christmas delivery, I’ve got a few pieces of good news…
Firstly, we’re enlisted Amazon to begin stocking and shipping our products.
Amazon are known for their efficient systems and speedy delivery and they now stock and ship for third parties like us! They also now have the largest warehouse in Australia, a 4-story warehouse in Sydney!
This means better service and faster, more reliable delivery for our customers. 👏
We’ll also have our product available to purchase on and as stock arrives in the coming weeks. We’ll let you know when it’s up. 😉
That leads to rest of the good news:
- The Dadventure Diaries are arriving at the Amazon warehouse today (18th Nov) and will be shipping out next week!
- Date Night Diaries are also expected to arrive next week, and the
- Grand Adventure Diaries are expected to arrive in two weeks time!
- All going well, the bulk of the stock will follow in early-mid December. Hooray! 🙌
I’ll keep you posted on our stock as it rolls in. Please be warned: once we’ve got stock, we’ll be turning up our advertising. While we don’t plan or intend to sell out this time around, I wouldn’t want you to miss out if we do...
So, if you’d like to order one to give to a loved one this Christmas (or for yourself), now is the time!
Date Night for the week:
Now that we’re back from holidays and slowwwwly getting our kids’ sleep back on track, it’s also time to get back into the rhythm of weekly Date Nights and Dadventures!
I can’t express enough how important it is to make these a regular habit, because my wife and my kids are the most important people in the world to me!
If I’m not investing in those relationships, then how will they know that?
So, here’s what I’m doing for my Date Night with Larissa, and my Dadventure with the boys… feel free to use these this week for your family!
Date Night: It’s a “Staying In” week for us so I drew a card from the Staying In deck and we’re doing:

The Conversation Starter from the Date Night Diary this week is: “Tell me something in your life (past or present) that brings you immense joy. How often do you do this, and how can you do more of it during this season of parenting?”
Dadventure: I’m taking the boys to a local Wildlife Park/Farm which has animals, train rides around the farm and mazes! Larissa thought it sounded like so much fun that she’s skipping her weekly solo time to come along 😉

So to wrap up…
- HUGE thank you to everyone who ordered during our recent product launch!
- Stock is arriving in the next couple of weeks, in time for Christmas… phew!
- Keep up with your Dadventures and Date Nights because your family are SO worth it!
Cheering you on, Jeremy 😊
Dad Jokes of the Week
Two windmills are on a date and one asks the other, "So what kind of music do you like?"
The other replies, "I'm a big metal fan!"
My wife just bought me tickets to go watch Labyrinth.
I don't want to go but it's going to be hard to get out of.
Patient: Doc, help me. I'm addicted to Instagram.
Doctor: Sorry, I don't follow you...
Dadventure Ideas for this Week
Here’s are a couple ideas to inspire your Dadventure with your kids this week:
- Wildlife Park 🐪 (Or a farm that allows visitors. Most kids love animals!)
Tree Climbing 🌲 (Fun and free. Or head to a tree-top ropes course for something more serious.)
Above is a Staying In Date Night but here is a Going Out idea for you too:
- Pottery or Art Class 🎨 (Check your local area for some evening classes and get creative (and messy) together.)
Cheering you on!
Jeremy Jones
Dad Certified
If you haven't seen our newest products, check them out now: