Reclaim Your Date Nights! 👫 + more sneak peeks... 👀
What was your last date night like with your partner?
To be honest, lately ours have been hit and miss.
My wife, Larissa, LOVES it when I organise date nights. But with life seemingly being busy "all the time," I've often found myself ordering something from Menulog last minute and quickly scrolling through Netflix for a rom-com we haven't seen.
Sure, this is fun and occasionally just what we need, but week after week it's not strengthing our relationship and we're not experiencing new things together.
That was until last week...
In case you missed it, Larissa and I have been working hard on developing a new product...
The Date Night Diary (for parents)
And it's finally finished!
While it has only just been submitted for printing, we've already started implementing all the concepts from the product in our own dates.
Last Friday was our "first" Date Night, and we had planned on "Going Out".
I picked a card from the deck and then proceeded to go through the checklist in the front of the diary.
Just like the check list in the front of the Dadventure Diary, it makes it simple for dads to ensure they've thought of and organised everything they need to before heading out of the house.
In this case, I organised the babysitter, (even though it's Larissa's sister and it would've been easier for Larissa to organise it), I made a booking at a local restaurant, and I planned for our activity which I picked from the deck.
Using the check list actually made it really easy!
Here's a sneak peek at the checklist from the diary...

We had a GREAT time on our date! Each date night entry in the Date Night Diary has a unique conversation starter question so that you don't just end up talking about kids or work the whole time.
This week's question was "What are three things you miss most from life before kids, and how can you reclaim some of that during this season of parenting?"
Feel free to use this conversation starter on your date night this week!
We had a great converstaion about things meaningful to both of us and we actually learned some new things about each other too!
After dinner, we completed our activity.
Here's the card which I may or may not have picked at random, I'll assume you won't need any further explanation than that... ;)

We're both really looking forward to this week's date, too!
This week we're "Staying In" for our date night so I'll be picking from that deck of cards. (Yes, there's two decks of cards!)
Since Larissa reads my emails and I want it to be a surpise, I'll have to leave you in suspense as to what we end up doing.
We'll probably post about it on our Instagram though so make sure you're following us there.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Check out some Dad Jokes and Dadventure Ideas below.
Dad Jokes of the Week
My wife first agreed to a date after I gave her a bottle of tonic water.
I Schwepped her off her feet.
What do you call your mum's angry French sister?
A Croissaunt
What do you call a chicken looking at lettuce?
Chicken sees a salad.
Dadventure Ideas for this Weekend
Get your kids out of the house this weekend and make some memories!
Here’s a few ideas for you. Choose one suitable to your kids' ages and the weather:
1. Feed the Ducks/Birds 🦆 (Check local guidelines. Oats are a safe and healthy food for ducks.)
2. Ten-Pin Bowling 🎳 (Good for 3yo+ with bumpers and ramps, most have many arcades to check out too)
3. Crafting Class (Leather/Wood etc.) ⚒ (Great for the older kids, 6yo+)
Have a great weekend!
Cheering you on!
Jeremy Jones
Dad Certified
Make sure to follow along on Instragram for up to date news on all things Dad Certified: