How To Be Romantic (every other day of the year) 💘

Valentine's Day Ideas by Dad Certified


"What day is Valentine's Day again?" he said with a sheepish grin. 😅

I wasn't sure whether he was joking or not. 🤔

I was just telling this father of two girls how Valentine's Day was turning out to be one of the biggest events of the year for our business. 

He didn't strike me as a particularly romantic guy, so I assumed he was just not that in to Valentine's Day and really didn't know! 😲

(It's February 14th by the way! That's this coming Tuesday BTW!)

Valentine's Day is now a major event on the calendar and, for some, expectations can be pretty high.

Even if your partner (like my wife) isn't overly fussed about Valentine's Day, I think it's a GREAT excuse to show them a little extra love and work out our romantic muscle. 💪💗

So don't stress... but don't leave the planning to the last minute! ⏰

If you're looking for some tips for planning the perfect date for Valentine's Day (either STAYING IN or GOING OUT), check out my email from last week here:

But we all know that a deep relationship with our partner can't be built on just one day a year!

So what do we do to keep building that relationship every other day when it's not Valentine's Day?

The chances are, if you're a parent, you're already spread pretty thin in the love department.

After all, you're only human. You can't be everywhere at once doing everything for everyone.

So here is just ONE quick practical thing you can do to boost the romance in your relationship with your partner on a day-to-day basis:

Ready? Let's go!

Start by finding out how they like to be loved. After all, everyone is different!

Have you heard of the five love languages? If not, here they are:

Words of Affirmation,
Acts of Service,
Receiving Gifts,
Quality Time, and
Physical Touch

Work out (or ask them) which one resonates with your partner the most and really focus on loving them that way daily.

It should be something small and achievable that you can do almost every day.

For example, if your partner feels love through physical touch the most, then be intentional about hugging them for at least one minute every time you get home from work. Or if you walk past each other at home, reach out and grab their hand for a second. 👫

I'll leave it to you to figure out what works best for your relationship and your partner's love language.

It might take some testing but don't give up!

Trust me, this will pay off in a BIG way for your relationship! 💕

Also, I encourage you to be open in discussing with your partner what YOUR favourite love language is.

It's the perfect thing to talk about on a date night... perhaps your Valentine's Day date night?
If you'd like to learn more about the five love languages you can check out this TED article here:

Remember, keep being intentional with your relationships - a small amount of effort every day goes a loooong way!

Have a great week and enjoy your Valentine's Day! 💓

Cheering you on!
Jeremy Jones

Date Night Idea for this Week (or Valentine's Day)

Staying In Date Night Idea:

  • Backyard Camping ⛺ (Set up a tent, light the fire pit and toast marshmallows together, enjoying time under the stare. Sleep there overnight, if you can.)
Going Out Date Night Idea:
  • Dinner Cruise 🚢 (Whether it's on a river, a lake or the harbour, enjoy the serenity of the water with dinner and drinks brought to you. Not fond of boats? Choose a restaurant on land overlooking the water instead.)

Dadventure Ideas for this Week

Here are a couple of ideas to inspire your Dadventure with your kids this week: 
  • Sand Boarding 🏂 (If there are some sand dunes nearby, big or small, grab a board of some sort and go sledding down! If there's no sand, look for some steep grassy hills which often work just as well!)

  • Paint Balling 🔫 (Depending on your location, for teenagers or pre-teens 12+. A really fun and adrenaline-pumping experience. Just don't forget to bring a cup 😉)

Dad Jokes of the Week

Apparently, 5 out of 4 parents struggle with their children's maths homework.


I wanted to tell you my chemistry joke.
But I was afraid I'd get the wrong reaction.


I went to a book store and asked the woman for a book about turtles.
She asked, "hardback?"
And I was like, "Yeah and little heads."

Jeremy and kids from Dad Certified



Cheering you on!

Jeremy Jones

Dad Certified






We can no longer guarantee pre-Valentine's Day delivery but there are a couple of ways you still might be able to get one in time.

1. We're now stocking at "The Book Room", in Byron Bay where you can pick one up without waiting (limited stock).
(If you'd like to stock our diaries too, let us know!)

2. If you have Amazon Prime, you can check out the delivery ETA for your address and you still may receive your Date Night Diary in time:


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