Just ONE hour to go! ⏰

Thank you to everyone who has already pre-ordered their Dadventure Diary. Here is what you're saying about it:

Jess L.:

"I'm seriously  so excited to get one  for hubby for father's Day! He's always so stumped for ideas and has been saying he wants to do more dad and kid adventures but he doesn't know where to start so ends up at the park every time. It's seriously such a brilliant idea!  I'm so excited to hear about all the fun my little ones are having with dad on their dadventures. "

Jamie D.:

"Such a helpful tool!  Beautifully designed  and there are  great ideas  for how to spend more intentional time with your kids.  Couldn’t recommend this more! "

Benj G.:

"We could all use some help to make the most of the time we have with our kids.  Can’t wait  for all the Dadventures with my son that will turn into  life-long memories  for us both."

Dadventure Diary

Cheering you on!

Jeremy Jones

Dad Certified



Thanks again for being part of the journey as we strive to build confidence in dads for a more fulfilling fatherhood experience.

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