For the MUMS 💃 a LONG-AWAITED Announcement... 👏


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“Good job!” I hear Larissa yell back.

Oh, sorry NO, she wasn’t talking to ME

That was
  my 2yo son, Silas, calling out from the bathroom…

About his proud achievement. 💪


The joys of working from home. 😅

You see, usually I
  have my noise-cancelling earbuds in…

So I
  can’t hear “life” going on in the rest of the house.

  this morning… (since I forgot to charge them)

  had the privilege of eavesdropping on what my wife, Larissa, calls the:


“Beautiful Mundane” 

:: Simple life events that 
  are not Instagram highlights or even camera roll-worthy...

But, by no means small or insignificant

And in their own way,

A couple of minutes later, I hear:


“OK! 1 sec!” She calls back.

“And please don’t unroll the toilet roll!” She adds pleadingly.

If you’re a
  parent I’m sure you know the sound of a toilet-training toddler actually doing a poo on the toilet is both:



DiSgUsTiNgLy Terrifying…

  not going to lie, parenthood is hard work.

And it’s often MUMS who take the majority of the load.

Yes, hats off to you stay-at-home dads, it’s no easy job breaking moulds.

  did you carry that baby for 9ish months?

While your body metamorphosised into a (beautiful) baby survival bunker,

Complete with standalone placental life support,

And milk on tap for the moment the survival bunker becomes too cramped.

Yes, we appreciate you, mums!

We think what you do is


  incredible, in fact!

And not just the carrying and pushing part either.

(Or I should say, “bearing down”?)

Being a mum is tough.

Keeping a whole human alive who
  is incapable of caring for itself is hard,

Let alone teaching them things like how to
sleep, eat, count, spell,

And how to POO on a toilet!

Yes, dads I
  know we're involved with all those things too...

Probably more so than any previous generation of dads!

And I’m proud to be one!

But Mums, there’s no denying that often you’re taking the majority of the load.

And guess what:



Here at Dad Certified

We wanted to encourage you mums even further!

We wanted to equip you with
  a tool equally as life-saving as a nipple shield, but much more FUN and fulfilling!

We wanted to upend
  any negative stereotypes of motherhood..

And focus instead
  on the joyous and love-filled aspects.

  We decided it was time…

Drum roll please!





(just imagine it’s getting really loud and intense now)

Kinda like a 60-second contraction…

Just checking you’re still here with me…

Oh, you are?



Without further ado…..

We bring YOU our:




With never-seen-before sneakpeek
  photos, fresh from the factory floor!


  have been asking for this since the Dadventure Diary - Box Set first released back in 2022!

And it’s finally (almost) here!

And no, it’s not just
  a copy of the Dadventure Diary!

It may even be better 🤫

But that would be like picking a favourite child.

(In other words, I’ll keep my thoughts on the matter to myself.)

But trust me, this Box Set is probably the best one we’ve designed to date!

Both Larissa and I
  have sweated over the Moments of Motherhood - Box Set to make it worthy of all the incredible mums (and a dad) who have been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting.

To name only a few:
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified
Customers asking for a Mumventure or mum version of the Dadventure Diary by Dad Certified


It really sounds like you guys REALLY wanted this!

Well, we've heard you loud and clear.

And we've pulled out all the stops on this one!

  thank you for your patience.

  won’t be disappointed!

  a Mumventure section,

  a Self Care Sunday section,

  and 🥁 (just a little drum roll this time I promise)

  a Beautiful Mundane section,

amongst encouraging and uplifting motherhood quotes and illustrations, 

this Diary has got it all!

Oh, I
  almost forgot it comes with its very own



We can’t wait to get the Moments of Motherhood - Box Set into your hands!

  our vision is that
this will soon become a motherhood staple for you. 

It will float
  across the breakfast table with excited little faces huddled around,

Travel with
  you on your mumventures in the passenger seat of your car,

  when you finally get to rest your eyes

  at the end of another big, beautiful day of motherhood,

It will rest
  on your bedside table.

With places to record everything from
  the most exciting parts of raising your children

Right down to the
  everyday beautiful mundane,

This journal will
  encapsulate your motherhood experience

and become a treasure for you, for them, and for generations to come!



PREORDERS will go live next 

  8th March.

(Shipping from late April for pre-Mother’s Day Delivery).

If you
  want to be first in line for the Moments of Motherhood - Box Set, simply reply with:

“Yes please!” 

and you’ll get early notice for when preorders go live!
Know a mum who would love this?

Just click “Forward
  and send this email on to them now.


for all your feedback, input and unceasing requests for our Moments of Motherhood - Box Set.

  seriously cannot wait to get this into your hands!

Cheering you on!Jeremy and kids from Dad Certified

Jeremy Jones

Dad Certified


The Moments of Motherhood - Box Set is not the only new product that has been in the works!

Our Dad Bag is moving along steadily and we’re itching to show it to you!

Stay tuned for more updates soon.
Dad Jokes of the Week

Why did the coach go to the bank?
To get his quarterback.


Why did the gym close down?
It just didn't work out.


Want to hear a joke about construction?
I'm still working on it.



Date Night Idea for this Week 

Staying In Date Night Idea:

  • Around The World🌎 (Choose a country and cook a meal from that country together. Choose something you've never cooked/eaten before. Play music from that country and, if you're brave, speak in that accent all evening.)
Going Out Date Night Idea:
  • Cinema 🎬 (Nothing like a classic "Dinner and a Movie" like the old days. Even better, go luxury and choose a cinema with service and reclining seats!)

Dadventure Ideas for this Week

Here are a couple of ideas to inspire your Dadventure with your kids this week: 
  • Concert/Musical/Play🎶 (If you've got young kids look out for productions designed especially for them otherwise take your older kids to a production that everyone will enjoy and encourage their creativity and imagination.)

  • Bus Ride 🚌 (It might sound boring to you, but this is actually really fun for kids who have never been on a bus before! Great for young kids and great in any weather (as long as you don't have to wait in the rain). It's not about the destination but having a fun destination, like a new park, and ice cream place or even the sops, makes it a lot of fun!)
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