It's Almost Here

Dadventure Diary

I am super passionate about helping father's connect with their kids in a deep and meaningful way! Sometimes dads just need help to boost their confidence in themselves so they realise that they can spend one on one time with their kids and it actually isn't that hard.

And that is why I've created the Dadventure Diary! To do just that! It not only gives dads ideas on how to spend time with their kids in a fun and easy way but it gives them a step by step plan to generate life-long memories, record them with their kids and make space to look back and reflect on those memories later, further deepening the connection between father and child.

Now I'm a perfectionist by nature so it's been a long road since January, when I first had the vision for the Dadventure Diary. But I am so excited to let you know that not only are we in production but we now have a launch date!!!

We are launching pre-sales in two weeks on the 16th of June!

Some bad news though. We will only have a limited quantity available for pre-sale at launch. Since you guys have been following from the start I really don't want you to miss out! So make sure you keep your eyes out for Dad Certified emails and are following along on our Instagram to see all our latest updates, videos, Dadventure tips and more!

Over the comings days I'll be sharing more about the Dadventure Diary but for now check out this film that my friends over at Lead by Story put together for the launch. They have done an amazing job and it's guaranteed to get you excited!

Are you parenting by default? Film


If you know anyone who could really benefit from the Dadventure Diary, could you please let them know about it? My goal is to help as many dads as possible on this journey of fatherhood but I can only do so much on my own. If you could either forward this email or share the below link to our website I will be so grateful! 

Thanks for coming on this journey with me!

Jeremy Jones

Dad Certified

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